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柴灣永泰道 影樓出租 Photo Studio Rental,用作廣告拍攝、商業拍攝、試鏡及工作坊等

  • 發布日期:2019-10-21 20:44
  • 有效期至:長期有效
  • 服務區域:香港東區
  • 瀏覽次數74

影樓出租 Photo Studio Rental,用作廣告拍攝、商業拍攝、試鏡及工作坊等

Welcome | 廣告拍攝 | 商業拍攝 | 試鏡及工作坊

Ganymede Photo Studio 為廣告拍攝租用場地,於柴灣工業城2期,面1800呎,可供場地駛用1600呎為休閒區、化妝間、拍攝場地。場高12.5呎可供商業拍攝、試鏡及工作坊等多類型活動駛用

The service is designed to offer both comfort and practicality ensuring a successful shooting experience, including wireless broadband connection, on hand technicians and digital backup facilities.The shooting bays can be configured in a number of sizes as needed for your photography. Standard bays are 18 feet wide by 21 feet deep with 1.52 feet ceilings to allow you plenty of room to work.

Studio Rental

The service is designed to offer both comfort and practicality ensuring a successful shooting experience, including wireless broadband connection, on hand technicians and digital backup facilities.The shooting bays can be configured in a number of sizes as needed for your photography. Standard bays are 18 feet wide by 21 feet deep with 12 feet ceilings to allow you plenty of room to work.

Contact Information


Telephone: 852-3568-1792

E-mail: seasons@ganymede.hk

Flat 1810, Chai Wan Industrial City Tower2, Hong Kong



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