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觀塘保鮮花玻璃花藝工作坊 Rose in the Glass Workshop

  • 發布日期:2019-10-21 20:05
  • 有效期至:長期有效
  • 服務區域:香港觀塘區
  • 瀏覽次數9


保鮮花玻璃花藝工作坊 Rose in the Glass Workshop

[Please scroll down for English version]

--  保鮮花玻璃花藝工作坊  Rose in the Glass Workshop--


Festa 盼與您一同凝住刻下的種種,或是一份思念的洶湧;或是一個已日漸模糊的輪廓;或是那個讓您難以釋懷的靜夜,化為能緊握在手的一點重量,能看見的一點痕跡。


如有任何查詢,請電郵至steve11cs@gmail.com / whatsapp訂購 /訂購玫瑰電話,或聯絡 Steve (62331858)。 

請follow我們的Instagram account:festaflowers_gifts!

工作坊日子: 17nd to 19nd Dec, 2015 (Thr to Sat)
時間:  7:30 pm – 9:30 pm 
上堂地點: 觀塘
堂費: $799
名額: 15

網上報名: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kmYeZe0_Eiqnck4CnrVF6W25RmqoT1pdxpae1eXKgLw/edit

Date: 17nd to 19nd Dec, 2015 (Thr to Sat)
Time:  7:30 pm – 9:30 pm 
Venue: KwunTong
Fee: $799
Quota: 15
online Registration Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kmYeZe0_Eiqnck4CnrVF6W25RmqoT1pdxpae1eXKgLw/edit

*If the number of applicants exceeds the quota, first-come-first-served principle would be applied to determine successful participants.

As time slips through your hands and elapses relentlessly, you reminisce of the fairness and fragrance in the old days, wishing that time would halt, air would stop flowing and the sparkling moment would retain forever.

You cannot wait to convey a translucent heart with adoration, bleary contour and surging remembrances to someone you dearly miss in those inconsolable nights.
Congeal frail, valuable pieces of memory in a visible, perceptible flower in glass container which you can hold forever.

Craving for everlasting grace and radiance sealed in the glass, the beauty of the past will never perish regardless of the absurb, frantic world in reality.

Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Steve (Steve) or email to steve11cs@gmail.com.

Meanwhile, please do not forget to follow our Instagram account: festaflowers_gifts to receive the latest news regarding Festa and even more!

Kind regards,

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