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沙田 私人教練私人籃球/健身教練

  • 發布日期:2019-10-21 21:36
  • 有效期至:長期有效
  • 服務區域:香港沙田區
  • 瀏覽次數71



我從小已熱愛體育,畢業於浸會大學體育系。因為我個子有六呎四,所以大家都叫我「高」豐 (Ko Fung),我其實是姓龔的。大學時期,我曾擔任甲一籃球員。有多年教體育經驗,曾參與多個籃球比賽和奪得獎項,亦曾在各香港小學和中學擔任籃球教練,精於籃球訓練及個人健身。

Since I was little, I have always loved sports. I graduated from the Baptist University with a bachelor degree in Sports. Because I am 6 feet 4 tall, people generally call me "Ko Fung." "Ko" in Chinese means tall. My actual name is Fung. During college, I was also a player for the Hong Kong AI Division, which is the top division of men's basketball league in Hong Kong. I have also acquired years of coaching experience. I have taught at numerous primary and secondary schools. My strength is in basketball and personal training.

教練經驗 Coaching Experience


Provided coaching to numerous basketball teams at local schools such as Bishop Walsh Primary School, PLK Horizon East Primary School and Kowloon City Baptist Church Hay Nien Primary School, since 2009.


籃球經驗 Basketball Experience

Player, WinLing SingTao 永倫星島 Basketball Team (Class B)            Nov, 2017 - Present

Player, Northern Team of the 6th Hong Kong Basketball Game         Jan, 2017 -  Jun, 2017

Player, Good Friends Basketball League                                             Jun, 2012 -  Dec, 2017

Player, MYAA HKBA Class A1                                                              Jan, 2012 -  Jun, 2012

Player, MYAA HKBA Class A2                                                              Jan, 2010 -  Jun, 2011


獎項 Awards                      


Received numerous awards in basketball competitions throughout the years including Shield (Class B) Competition Champion, Hong Kong Basketball Association (Class B) League First Runner-Up and Hong Kong Basketball Association (Class A2) Champion and more.

收費 Fee

學生可自行租班 Students can arrange their own group lessons.

可到學生安排的健身室或籃球場。I can coach at any gym or basketball court.


The rate depends on the number of students and level. Reference prices as follow:

1 人 $250 (1 Hour)and up

1 - 3 人 $500 (2 Hours)and up


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