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九龍荔枝角Unveiled Moment Bridal 婚紗專門店提供婚紗晚裝禮服租賃服務, 本店的專業設計師更可為新娘度身訂造獨一無二的婚紗及晚裝。本店的宗旨是為最美麗動人的新娘, 提供最合襯的衣裳

  • 發布日期:2019-10-21 20:12
  • 有效期至:長期有效
  • 服務區域:香港深水埗區
  • 瀏覽次數11


Unveiled Moment Bridal 婚紗專門店提供婚紗晚裝禮服租賃服務, 本店的專業設計師更可為新娘度身訂造獨一無二的婚紗及晚裝。本店的宗旨是為最美麗動人的新娘, 提供最合襯的衣裳!

Unveiled Moment Bridal


Uniqueness is what a bride pursues

Her natural beauty is yet to be unveiled


Nothing being overdone, but emphasizing on individual designs and detailing, Unveiled Moment Bridal’s collection brings that gorgeousness and stunning beauty the bride owns.


Unveiled Moment Bridal believes the right gown does not overpower, but demonstrates individuality, and perfect fit. It carries gowns with a wide selection of silhouettes, cutting, delicate materials, and intricate designs, which are available for rental, sale, and custom order on request. Unveiled Moment Bridal will share its professional advice, and creative ideas to fulfill the fancy of the bride accordingly.


Besides gown rental, Unveiled Moment Bridal offers one-stop service with its own team of experienced photographers and make-up stylists to collaborate a unique and memorable wedding for each of the couples.






Unveiled Moment Bridal每件婚紗均著重獨特的設計及細節以配合每位新娘的氣質, 令新娘在婚禮上充滿自信地展現最美麗動人的一面, 為新娘錦上添花而又不會喧賓奪主。


Unveiled Moment Bridal深信只有能令新娘展現自我個性的婚紗才是待嫁新娘心目中最理想的嫁衣。Unveiled Moment Bridal備有多款不同設計、剪裁、用料及配飾的婚紗晚裝供準新娘揀選, 並有專業設計師可以為新娘度身訂造獨一無二的婚紗及晚裝。設計師即場為新娘提供最專業的意見以滿足每位新娘對婚紗的要求, 令新娘尋找到最合襯的婚紗。


除租售婚紗晚裝外, Unveiled Moment Bridal亦有專業攝錄團隊及化妝造形師為準新人提供一站式新婚服務, 務求令每一對新人都有一個獨特難忘的婚禮。

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