推廣 熱搜: 屯門  觀塘 


  • 發布日期:2019-10-14 09:05
  • 有效期至:長期有效
  • 培訓區域:香港
  • 瀏覽次數9
鋼琴導師 - 梁老師
    電話/whatsapp: +852 60346906
    Instagram(含最新資訊與優惠): https://www.instagram.com/leungchunyin_pianist/?hl=zh-hk

Leung chun-yin obtained the degree of Master of Music from Royal Northern College of Music , studying piano with Ms. SallyAnn Macleod. During his study in RNCM, he was given guidance by Mr. Graham Scott, Ms. Helen Krizos, Mr. Stefano Fiuzzi, Mr. Colin Stone, Mr. Benjamin Frith, Mr. Peter Lawson, Mr, Steven Savage, Mr. Paul Janes, Mr. David Jones, Mr. Harvey Davies, Mr. Sergejs Osokins, Ms. Hui Ying Tawaststjerna, Ms. Barbara Szczepanska and Mr. Phillip Cassard. He was the finalist of the Duo prize competition in RNCM.


Chun-yin graduated from the music department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, studied piano with Mrs. Chan Shum Siu Wai, Sylvia, and earned Fellowship Diploma in Recital in Piano of Trinity College of London.


He also attended masterclasses conducted by Mr. Maurizio Moretti, Ms. Marie-Laure Muller, Ms. Marilyn Engle, Mr. Nariaki Sugiura, Ms. Eleanor Wong and Ms. Colleen Lee; private coaching by Mr. Edward Auer.


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